Minutes of the Meeting January 2025


APPROVED MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting

Held Monday 6th January 2025



Public Forum


2 members of the public attended.

A member of the public referred to the flooding overnight and today and asked for an update on the proposed bund to protect properties on Church Street. It was confirmed the scheme has been designed and accepted by LCC, the Internal Drainage Board and the Environment Agency. Given no Government/Authority funding, the scheme will be privately funded and completed in spring this year. AM is to liaise with GF


Meeting commenced at 7.02pm




Geoff Fearn (GF), Mick Walker (MW), Mick Brooks (MB), John Leventhall (JL), Carole Lee (CL), David Kelly (DK), Paul Wood (PW), Jane Bell (JB), Daryl Walton (DW) and Jane Evans, Parish Clerk


Apologies for Absence


Mark Newton due to personal commitments. Apologies accepted and meeting chaired by GF.


Declarations of Interest.


To receive Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in accordance with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012.



Minutes & Matters Arising from Previous Meeting 2nd December 2024


Matters Arising

24/186 the meeting with Roseland is still to be arranged ACTION CLERK/Cllr MAUGHAN

24/186 Witham Meadow. Cut and CCTV investigations still pending. ACTION CLERK

24/206 Flagpole maintenance pending. ACTION DK/JL/MW

It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a true record.

24/225 Witham Meadow. Sourcing of a shed is still pending. ACTION CLERK


County Council Report


Cllrs were given an update on recent flooding incidents around the county and confirmed flood warnings are still in place.

AM referred to the Local Government white paper regarding devolution, introducing more mayors and unitary councils, suggesting that it’s likely LCC will be submitting comments. Cllrs discussed the likelihood that Greater Lincolnshire will be split into two and one unitary council is not workable.

Cllrs were referred to three pending projects (local TROs, reconfiguration of the Valley Lane junction and a new pedestrian refuge) and it was confirmed they are all still being considered.


District Council Report


PW confirmed a reduction in the level of Rural Grants will cost SKDC £400k but this was anticipated and SKDC core spending will remain the same. A new NPPF has been introduced and SKDC is working on the new Local Plan to accommodate the need to build 900 houses in the district next year (this being a notable increase).

Cllrs were referred to, for background information only, a couple of unusual planning applications in the district currently being considered by the Planning Dept.




Applications  - none

Planning Approvals – see agenda.

Planning Refusals – none

Planning Appeals/Withdrawals – none

Other planning issues – Cllrs referred to the planning application consultation, for 50 houses at the southern end of the village, received for discussion at the next meeting. Cllrs were urged to review all of the documents.


Village Hall Ownership and future funding – to discuss current position


Cllrs were informed the submission to the Charities Commission has started with the request to accept the constitution. However, it is anticipated more information will be required to be submitted and the process will be lengthy as a result of CC slow admin.


Noise from HGVs on Main Road – to discuss action


Cllrs were referred to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in relation to excessive road noise form HGVs disturbing residents. It was agreed to ask SKDC Environmental Health Dept to investigate. In the meantime, ahead of further discussion at the next meeting, a Cllr is also to investigate further and establish if the offending vehicles are visiting Roseland Business Park. ACTION PW/MB/CLERK


Chairman’s and Clerk’s Report


Chairman’s Report

No report

Clerks Report

Councillors referred to the attached report.

Item 2 – it was agreed to remind Mark Barr to visit at school drop off/pick up time. ACTION CLERK




Councillors were referred to the attached schedule of invoices for payment totalling £4469.12.

Cllrs were referred to the invoice for the LALC annual subscription. Following brief discussion it was RESOLVED to renew the subscription and pay the invoice.

RESOLVED – to pay the invoices. ACTION Clerk to arrange payment.

Monthly financial reports were provided – no questions raised.

Resolved to approve Community Cleaner hours worked and payment.




Playing Fields Management Committee – a sub-committee meeting is taking place this week to discuss the scaled back Pavilion improvement project.

Village Hall Management Committee – it was confirmed a grant application has been submitted to support funding for new solar panels. Cllrs were advised that a meeting has taken place with the manager of the Post Office Outreach service. Following discussion, Cllrs agreed that the service it to be retained, if possible, at the currently 2 day service, with the PC funding the VHMC lost income from hall rental. GF to liaise with the VHMC regarding the decision. ACTION GF

Emergency Planning Group – no report

Road Safety – no report

Police Report – no report

Footpaths & Streetlights – Cllrs were referred to a report of significant damage to verges on Acklands Lane. It was agreed to write to the resident responsible. ACTION CLERK

Witham Meadow – no report




Councillors referred to attached list of correspondence received during the last month.

White lines outside Whitakers – it was agreed AM will chase this as it is understood this is in hand. ACTION AM

Cllrs referred to a report of antisocial behaviour and it was confirmed by PW that SKDC and the Police are aware of the situation and investigations are underway but are confidential.


Items for next agenda and Parish News Report.


Next agenda – budget 2025/26, LB Charities, co-option of new Cllr

Parish News – planning application southern end of the village, pending projects being considered by LCC


Date of next meeting – 3rd February 2025


Meeting Closed 8.35pm




Signed Mark Newton  Designation Chairman      

Date 3rd February 2025