NOT YET APPROVED Minutes of the Meeting 3rd February 2025
NOT YET APPROVED MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting
Held Monday 3rd February 2025
Public Forum |
8 members of the public attended. A member of the PFMC referred to the Pavilion improvement plans, advising that a way forward has been approved by the committee and the next stage is to go to tender. Confirmation of £15k financial support from the sinking fund was sought, as agreed in principle by the PC in November 2023 and detailed in the PFMC 10 year plan. Councillors approved to provide £15k from sinking fund to support the project. Two applicants for the Councillor vacancy were invited to introduce themselves to the PC. |
Meeting commenced at 7.15pm |
Present |
Mark Newton (MN), Geoff Fearn (GF), Mick Walker (MW), Mick Brooks (MB), John Leventhall (JL), David Kelly (DK), Paul Wood (PW), Jane Bell (JB), Daryl Walton (DW) and Jane Evans, Parish Clerk |
25/001 |
Apologies for Absence |
Carole Lee due to personal commitments. Apologies accepted. |
25/002 |
Declarations of Interest. |
To receive Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in accordance with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012. JL referred to his possible interest in item 7 Planning. Following discussion, it was resolved to give dispensation to allow full involvement in the discussion but not any subsequent vote. |
25/003 |
Minutes & Matters Arising from Previous Meeting 6th January 2025 |
Matters Arising 24/186 the meeting with Roseland is still to be arranged ACTION CLERK/Cllr MAUGHAN 24/186 Witham Meadow. Cut and CCTV investigations still pending. ACTION CLERK 24/206 Flagpole maintenance pending. ACTION DK/JL/MW 24/225 Witham Meadow. Sourcing of a shed is still pending. ACTION CLERK It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a true record. |
25/004 |
Co-option of new Councillor – to discuss two applications received and vote |
Members of the public, including the applicants, were asked to leave the meeting while the voting takes place. Each applicant was proposed, the majority vote being for Martin Rose. JB advised the PC she was resigning from the Council due to an imminent house move out of the village.
Members of the public were invited back into the meeting, the successful applicant offered the role which was accepted. The Acceptance of Office was duly signed and Martin Rose joined the meeting. The other applicant, Steven Maxwell agreed that his application can be taken forward for consideration for the new vacancy. |
25/005 |
County Council Report |
No report but Cllrs referred to a meeting that AM had with residents from |
25/006 |
District Council Report |
PW provided some feedback from the recent District Council meeting, including issues that were raised regarding Cllrs breaking the code of conduct. Fees and charges were also discussed. The budget meeting will be held at the end of Feb where the Council Tax will be agreed. The traveller site at Foston was discussed, Cllrs being advised an appeal meeting has taken place with a decision expected in a couple of weeks. The Valley Lane site was also discussed with Cllrs being advised a second court hearing has taken place with fines being incurred. It was suggested and agreed to contact Emma Whitaker at SKDC to establish the Councils next action. ACTION PW/CLERK |
25/007 |
Planning |
Applications - S24/2214 Derham, Arkwood Developments Application for approval of reserved matters relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the erection of up to 50 dwellings pursuant to outline planning permission S20/0775 at land West Of Main Road, Long Bennington Cllrs were referred to the comments circulated prior to the meeting, being a summary of concerns of a group of residents. Following discussion it was RESOLVED to support the comments/issues raised by residents and also raise concerns over the drainage. Specifically, the proposals to use ditches to the Ease Drain for overflow surface water, potentially having negative impact elsewhere in the village. Also request that the ditches are adopted by the Internal Drainage Board. The footpath from the development to the entrance to The Pastures is to be highlighted to ensure it is installed. S25/0014 Derham, Arkwood Developments Submission of details reserved by Conditions 4 - Sustainability, Condition 5 - Construction Management Plan, Condition 6 - Written Scheme of Archaeology Investigation, Condition 8 -Accessible and Adaptable Statement, Condition 9 - Surface Water, Condition 10 - Noise Assessment, Condition 11 - Materials , Condition 12 - Bio diversity Enhancements, Condition 13 - Boundary Treatments, and Condition 14 - Estate Road and Footways of planning permission S20/0775 Land West Of Main Road Long Bennington – as above Planning Approvals – see agenda. Planning Refusals – none Planning Appeals/Withdrawals – none Other planning issues – Cllrs referred to the planning application consultation, for 50 houses at the southern end of the village, received for discussion at the next meeting. Cllrs were urged to review all of the documents. |
25/008 |
Parish Council Budget 2025/26 - to discuss and approve |
Dispensations held for all Councillors for the purpose of Precept Setting. Following circulation of the proposed budget with supporting comments/assumptions, Councillors RESOLVED to approve a budget £51900 (£62900 less £11000 sinking fund allocation) for year 2025/26. |
25/009 |
Village Hall and Memorial Gardens – to discuss maintenance for 2025 |
Councillors were referred to arrangements for last year and it was resolved to instruct Tony Mills to undertake 3 visits to the Memorial Gardens at £200 per session and Womble Gardening four visits to the Village Hall Gardens at approx. £245 (up to £300 approved). This is to be confirmed with the contractors. ACTION CLERK |
25/010 |
Post Office Outreach Service – to discuss recent discussions and outcome. |
It was confirmed the Post Office Outreach Service is to continue with the PC covering the hall hire costs, as agreed at the January meeting. The PC is to be invoiced monthly and the hall hire budget for next year has been adjusted to take this into consideration. |
25/011 |
Long Bennington Charities – to discuss background and support provided to residents. |
It was RESOLVED to open the meeting. Ted Bates, Chairman provided a summary of the background and current activities of the Charity. It was noted that support is needed to raise awareness of the support offered. It was agreed to discuss this again at the next meeting. An informal approach is to be made to school regarding families who may need some support. ACTION CLERK Meeting back in closed session. |
Village Hall Ownership and future funding – to discuss current position |
The Charities Commission has been chased again. Some further information has been submitted but no real progress. |
25/013 |
National Highways & Transport (NHT) surveys for Councillors and Parish Councils – to discuss and respond |
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk is to submit the survey on behalf of the PC |
25/014 |
Noise from HGVs on Main Road – to discuss action |
MB confirmed he has done an informal survey but this wasn’t successful. PW advised the Environmental Health Dept at SKDC advised there is little direct action that can be done. |
25/015 |
Weekend Parking on Park View – to discuss parking for football games on private road. |
Councillors were referred to the email from a resident. It was confirmed the PFMC have been contacted and the Football Club is to be contacted. It was suggested the resident puts up a sign. |
25/016 |
Policy Approval – to formally approve the new Grievance Policy and Disciplinary Policy recommended by the Personnel Committee. |
Resolved to approve the Grievance Policy and Disciplinary Policy, both circulated prior to the meeting. |
25/017 |
Chairman’s and Clerk’s Report |
Chairman’s Report No report Clerks Report Councillors referred to the attached report. No further comment |
25/018 |
Finance |
Councillors were referred to the attached schedule of invoices for payment totalling £1899.37 RESOLVED – to pay the invoices. ACTION Clerk to arrange payment. Monthly financial reports were provided – no questions raised. Resolved to approve Community Cleaner hours worked and payment. |
25/019 |
Reports |
Playing Fields Management Committee – A summary of the actions from the last meeting was provided, including drainage on the main pitch has now been completed, new “no dogs” signs have been put up, quarterly and annual play equipment inspections have been approved and the revised Pavilion project has been approved. Cllrs were informed the car park will be installed after the building improvements have been completed. Following the resignation of JB, it was suggested and agreed that DK will be the Parish Council representative on the PFMC. Village Hall Management Committee – no report Emergency Planning Group – no report Road Safety – no report Police Report – Cllrs were advised there was an accident outside the Co-op 17/1 and a recent burglary that resulted in the theft of a vehicle. Footpaths & Streetlights – Witham Meadow – no report |
25/020 |
Correspondence |
Councillors referred to attached list of correspondence received during the last month. No further comments |
25/021 |
Items for next agenda and Parish News Report. |
Next agenda - Witham Meadow |
25/022 |
Date of next meeting – 3rd March 2025 |
Meeting Closed 8.38pm |
Signed…………………………………. Designation …………………… Date …………………… |