Parish Council News Report April 2021

Several planning applications were discussed this month with details of the outcome of discussions being included in the draft minutes available on the Parish Council website. It was agreed to postpone discussion on the following application to the next meeting on Tuesday 4th May (please note amended date for the May meeting).

Planning application S21/0655 Minster Development Group - Development of 43 affordable dwellings and associated infrastructure at land off Main Road, near the Playing Field, the entrance being between two bungalows opposite the new housing development under construction.

Your views regarding this application will be very much appreciated. If you have any comments or objections, please submit them to SKDC directly, providing a copy for the Parish Council for information purposes.

The link to the details is attached below for your information.


PUBLIC FOOTPATHS - As more people are now enjoying walking in and around our lovely village, the attached link may be of some interest.

Check out the following link to see the public footpaths and bridleways:


Witham Meadow continues to be used more and Councillors are looking to enhance the area for visitors. A new litter bin has been installed and plans are being discussed to replace the wooden picnic benches with ones made of recycled plastic. It is also the intention to undertake some more tree planting as sadly, the trees planted last year were pulled up and destroyed by vandals. This lovely area is an asset to the village, and I would encourage everyone to take a look. If there are any suggestions on how we can improve the space for users whilst keeping it very much a natural environment, please let us know.


CCTV – the Parish Council has been successful in obtaining grant funding to assist with the installation of CCTV at the Playing Field. Unfortunately, over the past year, there have been several incidents of vandalism at the Pavilion and playing field surfaces. In response to this, it has been agreed to install CCTV and this project will be completed over the next few weeks. It is hoped this will stop the vandalism and the subsequent unnecessary financial burden of repairs.


The Long Bennington Epidemic Response Team – LBERT has now closed down (from April 12th). 

Over the year of operation, the team helped around a couple of hundred calls for shopping and prescription collection, provided emergency food aid to struggling families with no income and, from donations, provided two Easter egg competitions, seeds for growing vegetables and Christmas Lunches to elderly and isolated individuals in the village.  This has been a fantastic community effort and on behalf of the Parish Council, a big thanks to all involved.



DOG FOULING – still an unacceptable amount of dog poo in and around the village. PLEASE PICK IT UP!!!!

Following a request to SKDC for support with the issue, a couple of enforcement officers have been dispatched to walk around the village, assessing the extent of the problem and a couple of new signs have been erected. They will revisit and will issue fines to anyone seen not picking up after their dogs.



Following meeting date Monday 7th June