Parish News July 2024
The Parish Council had its last meeting on 1st July at St James’s Hall.
FINANCE – Parish Councillors approved payment of the final invoices from Playdale Playgrounds Ltd totalling £14,467.48 +VAT, relating to the new play equipment. This has been mainly funded by Section 106 monies received from SKDC.
VILLAGE MAINTENANCE – the Parish Council is aware that some trees in the verges (the responsibility of LCC) are overgrown. Some are being reported by the PC but if anyone wishes to report any similar issues please contact either the Parish Council or report it directly to LCC via Fixmystreet
PLAYING FIELD - It was confirmed the tennis courts will be open for the summer holidays.
We have had a couple of very successful events at the Playing Field. A Summer Solstice Run took place on 21st June with approximately 500 runners taking part. On 29th June Long Bennington Rotary Club hosted the fantastic and hugely successful Party in the Park event. Congratulations to everyone involved.
THEFT OF TRACTOR/MOWER – a claim has been submitted to the insurer and the Parish Council is also considering interim arrangements to ensure the Playing Field remains cut and maintained to its current high standard.
FLOOD WARNING SERVICE – the Environment Agency have created a brand new Flood Warning Area for Hougham to Claypole including Long Bennington Parish. This should lead to an improved flood warning service. More details are to follow and will be communicated via the Parish Council website and Facebook page.
Following Parish Council meeting dates Monday 5th August 2024 and Monday 2nd September
As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email
Jane Evans
Parish Clerk