Parish News February 2024

The Parish Council had its last meeting on 5th February at St James’s Hall.


Following the resignation of Councillor Iain Lyon and the Parish Council has welcomed David Kelly who was co-opted to the Council at the meeting. The Parish Council expressed thanks to Iain for his support over the last few years to both the Parish Council and the Playing Field Management Committee.


FINANCE – Parish Councillors approved payment of invoices totalling £1,919.60

Payments approved included £27.59 for a couple of signs asking for people to not park or drive on the grass verges. It is hoped this will help allow the verges to recover where they were dug up for the flood alleviation works.



VILLAGE MAINTENANCE – the quotes receive for the grass cutting/verge maintenance contract were discussed and it was resolved to award the contract to Parks and Pitches. The Parish Council looks forward to working with Steve again, to keep our village verges and open spaces looking neat and tidy.


VILLAGE FLOODING – Cllrs were advised that following a meeting with LCC engineers, it was concluded the new Flood Alleviation Scheme will not have been a contributory factor in flooding from Storm Babet and Storm Henk. It was reported that following an enquiry to Anglin Water, an engineer has confirmed the storm pumps on Church Street were working at capacity during the storms. For further information, new sensors have been installed to monitor and provide new data to Anglian Water. It has been confirmed that all properties impacted will be investigated.


COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH  – a big thank you to our existing and previous volunteers……….but we need more. Can you spare a couple of hours each month to help stop motorists speeding through our village? If you can, please contact me on the details below.


NEW PLAY EQUIPMENT – quotes have been received for replacement of two fairly significant pieces of play equipment and the proposals have been submitted to SKDC together with the request to draw down S106 monies (£26,434.25) for this project. The total cost quoted is £28,934.96  and the shortfall  will be covered by Playing Field Management Committee funds.


OUTSTANDING PROJECTS – the proposed car park at the Pavilion has been postponed as there is another proposal for improvements to the Pavilion that could incorporate a car park. The proposed gateways at four locations in the village is also still in hand, the specification having to be revised due to restrictions from the grant provider.



And finally…………there is an old projector and screen available for use by the community. If you are interested please email


Following meeting dates Monday 4th March 2024 and Monday 8th April 2024


As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email

Jane Evans

Parish Clerk