Parish News March 2024

The Parish Council had its last meeting on 4th March at St James’s Hall.



FINANCE – Parish Councillors approved payment of invoices totalling £8826.33

Payments approved included £7140.00 for a feasibility study in connection with a project being investigated, to development at the Playing Field


VILLAGE MAINTENANCE – an early grass cut of the verges has been approved and completed. Further maintenance of the Memorial Gardens and Village Hall Garden is planned for March/April, June and October.


PARKING – some motorists continue to park inconsiderately in the village. Please avoid parking on the verges and across footpaths where this causes damage to the verge and/or and obstruction for pedestrians. Obstructing the footpath is a criminal offence, under section 137 of the Highways Act 1980, to obstruct the whole or part of the width of a public path.



 Can you spare a couple of hours each month to help discourage motorists speeding through our village? If you can, please contact me on the details below.


NEW PLAY EQUIPMENT – final SKDC sign-off of Section 106 monies has now been confirmed and the order for the new equipment has been placed. Updates regarding installation will be provided next month.



DATE FOR YOUR DIARIES ……………the Annual Parish Meeting will be on Monday 13th May. More details to follow.


Following Parish Council meeting dates Monday 8th April  and Monday 13th May 2024


As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email

Jane Evans

Parish Clerk