Agenda September 2023
Dear Councillor, 29th August 2023
You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Long Bennington Parish Council to be held on 4th September 2023 in the Village Hall, Long Bennington. The public forum is scheduled to take place at 7.00pm and the Council meeting will follow on immediately, the business to be transacted at the meeting is listed below.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Evans
Clerk to the Council
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes and Matters arising from the previous meeting (unless agenda items).
4. County Councillor Report
5. District Council Report
6. Planning:-
- Planning Applications None
- Approvals S23/0997 Hinder. Conditional approval of two storey side
extension, new dormer window and external works at 2 Costa Row Long Bennington
- Refusals None
- Planning Appeals/Withdrawals None
- Other Planning Issues None
7. Section 106 monies re Park View – to provide update on request for funding for car park and update on progress of plans for car park.
8. Village Hall Ownership Structure – to discuss current position.
9. Gateway Project – to discuss progress
10. Review of Policies – to confirm review of the following policies (as published on the PC website):
Data Protection Policy, Data Breach Policy, General Privacy Policy, Records Retention Policy, CCTV Policy, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Freedom of Information Policy, Grant Application Policy, Complaints Procedure, Model Publication Scheme, Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy and Whistleblowing Policy.
11. Chairman and Clerk’s Reports :-
Clerk’s Report attached
12. Finance:-
- Issue of Cheques and Direct Payment Authorisation as follows:
LB Village Hall – hall hire £ 94.50
M Walker – Maintenance Memorial Gardens £80.00
Carlton Cleaning £6720.00
LB Village Hall – defib training event £70.00
Parks and Pitches £ TBC
Salaries £1022.60 + £130.00 £1152.60
Direct Debit BT £79.24
SO re Microsoft 365 £5.99
Total (incl VAT) £8202.33
- Up to date financial statements.
- To approve Community Cleaner hours worked and payment.
13. Reports:-
- Playing Field Management Committee
- Village Hall Management Committee
- School Liaison
- Emergency Planning Group Report
- Road Safety Committee
- Police Report
- Footpaths Report and Streetlights Report
- Witham Meadow Project Report
14. Correspondence: - see list
15. Items for next agenda and Parish News Report.
16. Date of next meeting 2nd October 2023