Parish News July 2023

The Parish Council had its last meeting on 3rd July at St James’s Hall.
Six members of the public attended, including four residents advising Parish Councillors that a local Flood Action Group has been established, working in collaboration with a number of local authorities/groups and a national initiative. Councillors had the opportunity to ask questions about the work and objectives of the group. Support was offered by Councillors and County Cllr Maughan.
FINANCE – the total payments this month totalled £5776.28. This included £2780 to Parks and Pitches for annual playing field/pitch maintenance approved by the Playing Field Management Committee.
FLOOD SCHEME – Contractors have completed ‘Phase 1’ of the works, schedule with no major issues identified to date. This included the installation of the headwall as part of the outfall into the River Witham, two manholes and pipe run up to the Royal Oak. LCC has confirmed they are very pleased with the progress and the work PBS Construction are doing to date.
Works have commenced in the highway (slightly ahead of schedule) lasting until contract completion (currently end September). 
CAR PARK AT PLAYING FIELD – progress is being made with the plans to install a small car park for approximately 16/18 cars. An application has been submitted to SKDC for permission with the intention that the project is completed for the beginning of next year.
WITHAM MEADOW – some planting of lavender is planned, and a new gate at the entrance is to be installed.
Following meeting dates Monday 7th August and Monday 4th September - NOTE EARLIER START TIME 7.00pm
As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email 
Jane Evans 
Parish Clerk