Parish News April 2023

The Parish Council had its last meeting on 3rd April at St James’s Hall.
CYCLE SCHEME - the first phase of the works, being the signage and linings for the area between the 30 signs and Westborough Lane, has been done. The second part, which will be the area from the 30s to the A1 is expected to be done by the end of May. The Parish Council together with the Playing Field Management Committee are proceeding with plans to establish car parking at the Playing Field, enabling users of the facility to park during the restricted periods. It is hoped financial support will be available from SKDC via Section 106 monies due in relation to the Park View development.
VILLAGE WALKABOUT – Councillors will be a attending a meeting, in the village, with Rowan Smith, Highways Manager, Linc CC. The purpose of the meeting is to highlight the main areas of concern on local paths and roads, where the PC would like repairs/improvements to be made. This is just a wish list and may not result in immediate action but, in the past, we have found it beneficial to discuss the issues on site. 
All residents are encouraged to report any issues with our local paths and roads via Fixmystreet
ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – TUESDAY 30th MAY. Please join us at the Village Hall to discuss what has been happening in your village over the past 12 months and hear about the plans for the next year. This is an informal meeting with refreshments and everyone is encouraged to join us.
Following meeting dates Monday 15th May and Monday 5th June 2023.
As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email 
Jane Evans 
Parish Clerk