Parish News May 2023

The Parish Council had its last meeting on 15th May at St James’s Hall.
Seven members of the public attended, including two residents who had submitted applications for co-option to fill two casual vacancies on the Parish Council. Following discussion, a vote on three nominees took place and the Council welcomed back Ross Warman and new member Jane Bell.
The meeting was the Annual Parish Council Meeting and the Council appointed Cllr Mark Newton as the new Chairman and Geoff Fearn as Vice-Chairman. Previous Chairman, Martin Wright has stepped down from the Parish Council and Councillors have extended their appreciation for his valuable contribution and support to our local community.
FINANCE – the total payments this month totalled £6175.75. This included £3417.45 for renewal of the PC insurance, £908.36 for cutting of the verges and open spaces and £426.00 for repair of one of the CCTV cameras at the Playing Field.
The Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23 was approved by the Councillors and this will now be submitted to the external auditor.
FLOOD SCHEME – Contractors have started work on site. The initial works will be to concentrate on the new pipework in the land to the rear of the Royal Oak to outfall into the River Witham. This part of the works will last until July and will cause little if any disruption within the village. A site compound has been established and is being accessed at the bottom of Winters Lane.
Once the works have been concluded in the land to the rear of the Royal Oak, then works will commence in the highway (anticipated mid July) lasting until contract completion (currently end September). This will inevitably be much more visible with some disruption and minor inconvenience likely but this should be kept to a minimum. 
WITHAM MEADOW – the meadow has recently had a cut and an area has been prepared for some wildflower seeds. The Parish Council has been liaising with Long Bennington Academy and following the provision of seeds/clay etc, some seed bombs have been made and thrown by some of the children on a recent visit. 
ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – TUESDAY 30th MAY. Please join us at the Village Hall to discuss what has been happening in your village over the past 12 months and hear about the plans for the next year. This is an informal meeting with refreshments and everyone is encouraged to join us.
Following meeting dates Monday 12th June (NOTE EARLIER START TIME 7.00pm) and Monday 3rd July.
As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email 
Jane Evans 
Parish Clerk