Parish News August 22


The Parish Council had its last meeting on 1st August at St James’s Hall.


Two members of the public attended the meeting with no issues being raised


FINANCE – Parish Councillors approved payment of invoices totalling £5874.85. Payments included £2120.00 for installation of bases for the new benches at the Playing Field.


PLANNING – There are currently two appeals pending with no dates currently set for the hearings. One is the appeal against the decision to refuse permission for a traveller site Valley Lane and the second is regarding the planned development of Land at Rear of Royal Oak.


ROAD SAFETY – thank you to all residents who attended the recent meeting to share concerns regarding increasing road safety issues in our village. The main areas highlighted and discussed will be used for a meeting that Councillors will be having with LCC in August. Feedback from this meeting will be provided.


VANDALISM – the Parish Council is aware of a couple of recent incidents of vandalism/anti-social behaviour around the village. This has included damage to fences at St James’s Hall and to the edge of a football pitch at the playing field. Also, sadly, there have been reports of anti-social behaviour at Witham Meadow. Our Primary School and Pre-school staff have had to remove broken glass from the area where children play and climb. One member of staff cut her hand in the process and a decision had to be made to stop the children using this area. Sadly, a few inconsiderate people are ruining this space that is supposed to be accessible to all.


The Parish Council encourages various ages/generations using the facility but please respect it and look after if so that others can use it safely.

If you are aware of any persons causing damage please report it to the Parish Council or the Police, as appropriate.

Cameras are in place and those identified will be reported to the Police.


Following meeting dates Monday 5th September 2022 and Monday 3rd October 2022



As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email

Jane Evans

Parish Clerk