Parish News September 2022

The Parish Council had its last meeting on 3rd October at St James’s Hall.

Three members of the public attended the meeting.


FINANCE – Parish Councillors approved payment of invoices totalling £2769.07 Payments included £500 for cutting the hedge at Elm Close and £122.50 for cutting the hedge at the Memorial Gardens. Councillors also approved a quote for £80 to tidy the shrub beds at the Memorial Gardens and some more lamppost poppies are to be ordered from the Royal British Legion, forming part of Long Bennington’s act of Remembrance.


PLANNING – Councillors we informed that the appeal against the refusal decision for a traveller site on Valley Lane. Further information on the decision can be found i=on the Planning Inspectorate website under ref APP/E2530/C/21/3274182


VILLAGE MAINTENANCE - As reported last month, the Parish Council agreed to explore the cost of installing gateways, initially at both ends of Main Road. Following discussion, two Councillors agreed to undertake site assessments with Costa Row and Valley Lane being included in this initial assessment. Measurements for the gateways are to be done and reported back at the November meeting for further consideration.

Quotes are currently being obtained to do some more tidying of the Memorial Gardens and to tidy a couple of the shrub beds in the Village Hall gardens.

DEFIBRILLATORS – the batteries in the defibrillators have a shelf life of around 4 and three of our defibrillators have batteries requiring replacement in October. Councillors approved the order of three at £255 + £10 + VAT each.

Following meeting dates Monday 5th November 2022 and Monday 5th December 2022

As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email

Jane Evans

Parish Clerk