Parish News April 22

The Parish Council had its last meeting on 4th April at St James’s Hall.


COUNCILLORS - Councillors considered an application for co-option from Mark Newton. It was resolved, unanimously, to approve the co-option and fill the vacancy. Mark was welcomed by Councillors and invited to join the meeting.


FINANCE – Parish Councillors approved payment of invoices totalling £1829.01. Payments included payment for the recent works to cut back some of the trees at the Memorial Gardens and for a cut of Witham Meadow. Councillors also approved a donation of £750 (partly funded by a grant from SKDC) to help support the village Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.


PLANNING – A few planning applications were discussed with no major concerns or objections apart from S22/0630 where the Parish Council agreed to object. The application is for a single dwelling on Vicarage Lane and concerns were raised regarding road safety, action regarding the presence of great crested newts and the loss of hedgerow.


HIGHWAYS – Following some lengthy campaigning, we are happy to advise Lincolnshire County Council has recently completed some much needed road surface improvements in the village. This includes Sparrow Lane, Acklands Lane and the interchange at the south end of the village (needed to improve visibility and safety at this junction).


FLOOD ALLEVIATION SCHEME – Councillors were advised that progress has been made with the investigations/modelling by Anglian Water and a site visit/meeting is arranged for 14th April where Councillors can discuss the plans with Lincolnshire CC. The outcome will be discussed at the next meeting.


NOTICEBOARD – Councillors are aware the Parish Council noticeboard is in a poor condition and plans are being discussed to undertake repairs.


ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – Please join us at 7.00pm Monday 9th May at St James’s Hall, Main Road, Long Bennington. Find out what has been happening in your village over the past year and what is planned for this year. Join us and chat with friends, neighbours, Councillors and village groups/associations.

Refreshments will be available.



Following meeting dates Monday 9th May 2022 (AGM) and Monday 6th June 2022



As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email

Jane Evans

Parish Clerk