Parish News June22

The Parish Council had its last meeting on 6th June at St James’s Hall.


Three members of the public attended the meeting with concerns raised over the increasing disturbance from HGVs, affecting quality of life. Cllr Maughan explained the limited options available (a Traffic Regulation Order not an option). Another resident suggested a working party including residents is established to agree a plan to improve various aspects of road safety throughout the village. Cllr Maughan agreed to arrange a site visit with the LCC Highways Area Manager and prior to the meeting, a group will meet to discuss main issues to be raised on site. In the meantime, the Parish Council continues to have email exchanges with Cazoo management, reporting incidents of car transporters than continue to travel through the village despite assurances this would not be the case.


FINANCE – Parish Councillors approved payment of invoices totalling £ £9,979.58. Payments included £3,350.47 for the Parish Council insurance renewal, £2,531.07 to Parks and Pitches for grass verge/open space cutting and annual pitch maintenance, £1,296.00 for two new benches at the Playing Field, £1000 to St Swithun’s PCC to help support maintenance of the Churchyard and £500 to help support the production and circulation of the Saxonwell News Magazine.


PLANNING – Appeal re Traveller Site Valley Lane – it was confirmed there were issues with the connection for remote attendees of the appeal meeting and because of this, it was agreed to adjourn the most recent meeting.

Appeal re Development of Land at Rear of Royal Oak – it was confirmed comments supporting the refusal decision have been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.


FOOTPATHS – it was confirmed some local footpaths (areas of Church St and Main Road), previously highlighted as requiring improvements, have been assessed by Lincs CC, scored and are now on a waiting list. As it is probably some time before the improvements take place, it was agreed to continue to report isolated issues via Fixmystreet.


FLOOD ALLEVIATION SCHEME – two representatives of the Parish Council attended a site visit at Witham Meadow to discuss proposals for Witham Meadow with Lincs CC and Kier. It was confirmed the volume of a proposed attenuation pond in a corner of Witham Meadow will not be known until modelling has been completed. It has been established that landscaping will be done to enhance the area once the drainage solutions have been installed.


WARNING – the Parish Council has been made aware of reports of people knocking on doors advising they have spare tarmac from a job done for LCC Highways, asking if they want the drive improving. Please beware as these aren’t genuine employees of the Council so do not agree to this.


Following meeting dates Monday 4th July 2022 and Monday 1st August 2022



As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email

Jane Evans

Parish Clerk