Minutes of the meeting August 2021


 APPROVED MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting

Held Monday 2nd August 2021



Public Forum


2 members of the public were in attendance.

A member of the public referred to Item 11, questioning the discussion point as the matter is PFMC responsibility not the PC. This was acknowledged but possible implications to PC insurance cover need to be considered.


Meeting commenced at 7.32 pm




Martin Wright (MMW), Cllr Fearn (GF), Cllr Brooks (MB), Paul Wood (PW), Iain Lyon (IL), John Leventhall (JL), Ross Warman (RW), Carole Lee (CL), Daryl Walton (DW), Stephen Pearson (SP), Mick Brooks (MB), Mick Walker (MW) and Jane Evans (Clerk)


Apologies for Absence


Cllr Maughan due to personal commitments – apologies accepted.


Declarations of Interest


SP declared and interest in item 6, S21/1401 Ballaam


Minutes & Matters Arising from Previous Meeting 7th June 2021


Matters Arising  

18/709 -18/692 – the email to LCC regarding funding for potholes and footpaths is outstanding. Clerk

18/709 - 18/693 – it was confirmed PW is liaising with Phil Moore to arrange a meeting for next week. PW

18/716 – SP confirmed he is still waiting for a response from the angling association following initial contact.

It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a true record.


County Council


Councillors were referred to an email report.


District Council Report


PW provided a summary of current reviews and reports underway at SKDC, including a review of the Arts and Culture budget, a review of council housing funding, a review of the council office buildings and a report on the planning process.




Applications – S21/1459 Hinder. Application for single storey rear extension to dwelling. Conversion and extension to existing garage/outbuilding to form new home art studio/snug. Internal modifications. Removal, modification and addition to openings to the garage/outbuilding and rear of the main house at 2 Costa Row, Long Bennington. RESOLVED no objections, Councillors agreeing the importance of supporting local business.

S21/1401 Ballaam. Section 73 Application to vary condition 2 of Planning Permission S16/2561 to amend materials, windows and doors. Condition Number(s): Condition 2 Conditions(s) Removal: Conditions 2 (Approved plans); Amendments to house types consisting of material changes to external elevations, Window & door locations/arrangements to accord with internal layout changes at Land Adjacent To The Old Telephone Exchange 25 Vicarage Lane, Long Bennington. RESOLVED No comment/objection

Planning Approvals –see agenda.

Planning Refusals – see agenda

Planning Appeals/Withdrawals –.see agenda.

Other planning issues – None


Increasing number of Car Transporters travelling through the village and plans to expand parking provision at Roseland Business Park – to discuss


It was acknowledged there is an unacceptable increase in the number of HGVs travelling to Roseland, in particular Cazoo lorries and this will get worse if pending planning applications to expand car standing areas are approved. It was agreed no specific action can be taken until the requested transport reports are received by SKDC and a further consultation is undertaken.


Witham Meadow CCTV camera - to discuss


It was RESOLVED to purchase a wildlife camera, with estimated cost £60 - £80. Suggested models are to be circulated to Councillors for approval. IL


To agree winners of Long Bennington Academy Anti-littering campaign poster competition.


Posters have not been received so item postponed to the next meeting. Clerk/IL


CCTV Policy – to review and approve


Councillors were advised the policy requires a few minor amendments and has been forwarded to Mike Manley for comments and review. It was agreed the security group with access to the images will be named for the records. Councillors discussed how the images would be used and it was agreed that minor unacceptable behaviour can be addressed locally on an informal basis but any criminal activity is to be reported to the Police.


Weekend Café at Pavilion – to discuss proposal and confirm PC insurance implications


Details of the proposition were provided, and it was confirmed the agreement is initially for a 3 month trial period. It was confirmed the PC insurers, Came and Co have been contacted and formal notice is not required but evidence of the users own public liability is required. It was confirmed this is in place. Councillors agreed that the PC is supportive of the proposition.


Chairman and Clerk’s Report


Chairman’s Report

No report

Clerks Report

Councillors were referred to the attached report.

Items 6 – unofficial plans for a potential revised application at land behind the Royal Oak. It was agreed to discuss the PC general view in respect of the development and associated benefits from improvements to drainage. To be added to the next agenda. Clerk





Councillors were referred to the attached schedule of invoices for payment totalling £13092.59

RESOLVED – to pay the invoices.


Community Cleaner hours worked and payment – approved.




Playing Fields Management Committee – a summary of the repairs currently underway was provided.

Village Hall Management Committee – it was confirmed there is a new committee member and the overgrown trees along the edge of the path were mentioned. MW is to have a look and provide a quote to undertake the work. Clerk/MW

School Liaison – No report

Emergency Planning Group Report – No report

Road Safety – A recent accident at the Co-op was discussed and extracts from posts on the village forum are to be sent to LCC to expedite the yellow lines. Speed checks are being done and show speeding continues to be an issue.

Police Report – A summary of recent crimes was provided, including youths stealing items for gardens close to the weir and the theft of the minibus at Ayreshire House.

Footpaths & Streetlights – The footpath adjacent to the co-op is overgrown again and it was agreed to make contact to establish if the Co-op contractors can attend to the problem. Clerk

The streetlight outside the village hall is on permanently and is to be reported. Clerk

It was reported trees are overhanging the road significantly at the s been on Vicarage Lane and it was agreed to report it to LCC. Clerk

Communications Committee – none

Witham Meadow Project Report – RW confirmed a plan is in progress and it was agreed to liaise with GF re cutting the area. RW/GF




Councillors referred to attached list of correspondence received during the last month.

Item 5 – the footpath at the school on Main Road to The Pastures has been reported as being overgrown – it was agreed to contact the adjacent homeowners.

Item 8 – Councillors agreed to support the application for a pavement licence.


Items for next agenda and Parish News Report.


Parish News – CCTV policy and camera for Witham Meadow

Next Agenda – flooding/development to rear of Royal Oak


Date of next meeting – 6th September 2021


Meeting Closed 9.14pm




Signed………………………….          Designation…………………………          
