Minutes of the October Meeting

APPROVED MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting

Held Monday 4th October 2021



Public Forum


Two members of the public were in attendance. A member of the public referred to planning application S21/1843 Shaw. Councillors were advised of his concerns, being visual impact on his property, plans being misleading in terms of proximity of properties to adjacent one and no consultation has taken place. MMW advised these issues would be raised directly with Phil Jordan, SKDC at a meeting this week. Action MMW


Meeting commenced at 7.38pm




Cllr Wright, Chairman (MMW), Cllr Fearn (GF), Paul Wood (PW), Iain Lyon (IL), John Leventhall (JL), Ross Warman (RW), Carole Lee (CL), Daryl Walton (DW), Mick Brooks (MB), Mick Walker (MW), Cllr Maughan (AM) and Jane Evans (Clerk)


Apologies for Absence


Stephen Pearson (SP) due to personal commitments – apologies accepted.


Declarations of Interest




Minutes & Matters Arising from Previous Meeting 6th September 2021


Matters Arising  

18/744 – it was confirmed SKDC planners have spoken to Ablehomes and installing the footpath is now underway.

It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a true record.


County Council


Cllrs were advised that the Church St junction is to be resurfaced, patching works are to be done on Acklands Lane and work at the interchange at the south of the village are all to be done in the current financial year. It was confirmed the approved cycle lane is to be completed in this financial year.

It was agreed that AM is to chase Highways to repair the site of the damaged road surface following the recent tractor fire on Main Road. Action AM

The planned Flood Alleviation Scheme was discussed and Councillors were informed Anglian Water is still undertaking the modelling that should have been completed by the end of the summer. It was agreed to send a letter to Debbie Barnes expressing concerns about slipping deadlines and request a joint meeting with partner agencies. Action Clerk


District Council Report


PW confirmed the recent meeting with members of the SKDC Planning Department was successful and a further meeting with Phil Jordan is scheduled for this week.

JL referred to the agreed traffic plan in connection with the planning applications from Cazoo and it was agreed the PC needs to ensure this is implemented.




Applications S21/1843 Ablehomes Ltd. Application for the erection of 5

dwellings (revised dwelling types on plots 17-21 following approval ref S16/1451) at land at Main Road (North Of 1 Westborough Lane). Overlooking issues were discussed but it was resolved to wait to submit representations to SKDC until after discussion with Phil Jordan this week. Action PW/MMW/Clerk

S21/1780 Jarram Application for the erection of 3 (no.) holiday let units and use of existing static caravan for holiday let purposes at Woodlands Fen Lane Long Bennington. RESOLVED to comment about the proximity of microlight aircraft and necessary precautions/safety requirements.

Late agenda item - S21/1675 J Ward and Son Ltd. Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 1(no.) chalet bungalow at 50 Church Street, Long Bennington. Agreed to ask for an extension to after the November meeting and also request that further consultations take place. Action Clerk

Planning Approvals –see agenda.

Planning Refusals – see agenda

Planning Appeals/Withdrawals –.see agenda.

Other planning issues – GF referred to a recent meeting with John Rose and a representative form Cazoo and it has been agreed that attenuation will be provided to negate the surface water run-off implications of further hard standing at the site.


Fire at Fen Lane Illegal Waster Site – to discuss action


A recent update from the EA has confirmed a multi-agency decision to extinguish the fire, rather than continue with the controlled burn, and further details will be provided once they have been agreed. The opinion of Public Health England has changed following feedback from Fire & Rescue and reports from the public regarding poor air quality.


Witham Meadow CCTV camera - to discuss


RESOLVED to defer to the November meeting.


To agree winners of Long Bennington Academy Anti-littering campaign poster competition.


RESOLVED to offer £5 booktokens to 15 of the 16 entries with £10 to the overall winner that was chosen by Councillors. It was suggested to get all entries laminated and attached to the school fence. The winning entry is to be laminated placed around the village where there are reported issues of littering. IL is to liaise with school. Action IL


Chairman and Clerk’s Report


Chairman’s Report

MMW advised he and GF met with representatives from the PFMC to discuss car parking at the Pavilion and it was agreed there are affordable plans in place should an issue arise with parking. It was confirmed the PFMC will be monitoring the position.

Clerks Report

Councillors were referred to the attached report.

 No further questions




Councillors were referred to the attached schedule of invoices for payment totalling £3053.05

RESOLVED – to pay the invoices.


Community Cleaner hours worked and payment – approved.




Playing Fields Management Committee – a summary of the repairs currently underway was provided. It was confirmed the trial of the café at the Pavilion is going well.

Village Hall Management Committee – a vacancy for a secretary has arisen following the resignation of Gareth Dawkins. Councillor were advised that there has been some damage to the kitchen with the ceiling falling in and the roof leaking. It was confirmed repairs to the damaged ducting at the edge of the car park are being costed.

School Liaison – It was agreed to contact the school regarding the overgrown verge at the footpath between Main Road and The Pastures. Action Clerk

Emergency Planning Group Report – it was confirmed a call for volunteers to help with Afgan refugees was made and a couple of people from the village have helped.

Road Safety – incidents of speeding continue to occur with a number of people on the school run being some of the offenders. Sightings of Cazoo vehicles continue to be reported and there are increasing reports of HGVs on Costa Row. It was agreed to write to Helen Macrow at Souith Street Capital (owners of Roseland) and draw attention to this. Action Clerk

Police Report – Cllrs were advised of a drunken motorcyclist falling off his bike and MB advised that the Police Commissioner has confirmed a Policing Unit is to be set up locally.

Footpaths & Streetlights – No report

Communications Committee – No report

Witham Meadow Project Report – it was confirmed IL and RW have strimmed further areas to improve access for users. It was RESOLVED to agree the hire a small flail mower up to £130.

RW advised he is exploring grant funding options and Councillors approved the submission of an application to the National Lottery. Action RW/Clerk




Councillors referred to attached list of correspondence received during the last month.

No further questions


Items for next agenda and Parish News Report.


Parish News – Promote Call Connect and further call for Emergency Planning Group Committee volunteers.



Date of next meeting – 1st November 2021


Meeting Closed 9.45pm




Signed  Geoff Fearn                                Designation Vice-Chair

4th October 2021