Minutes March 2021
ACCEPTED MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting
Held Monday 1st March 2021
Public Forum |
Maisie McMahon, Safety Together Team coordinator, Marc Jones, Police and Crimes Commissioner for Lincolnshire and one member of the public in attendance. Maisie summarised her role for the purpose of the Parish Council and Marc his future plans for recruitment and enforcement, focusing on reducing crime across the County. It was confirmed MB has spoken to Maisie and will continue as point of contact. |
Remote Zoom Meeting commenced at 7.47 pm |
Present via video and audio |
Martin Wright (MMW), Geoff Fearn (GF), Paul Wood (PW), Carole Lee (CL), Iain Lyon (IL), John Leventhall (JL), Ross Warman (RW), Daryl Walton (DW), Stephen Pearson (SP), Mick Brooks (MB), Mick Walker (MW), County Cllr Alexander Maughan(AM) and Jane Evans (Clerk) |
18/634 |
Apologies for Absence |
All Councillors in attendance |
18/635 |
Declarations of Interest |
GF declared an interest in Agenda item 6 - S21/0197 and S21/0127 PW declared an interest in Agenda item 6 - S21/0267 JL declared an interest in Agenda item 6 – S20/0775 The Clerk drew attention to personal interest in S21/0127 so it was agreed any comments will be submitted by a Councillor rather than via the Clerk. |
18/636 |
Minutes & Matters Arising from Previous Meeting 1st February 2021 |
Matters Arising 18/623 - MB advised he is waiting for a response regarding the possibility of new speed signs. To report back at the next meeting. ACTION MB 18/626 – contact has yet to be made with the conservation officer at SKDC. ACTION CLERK 18/630 – PFMC. It was confirmed the project for a new 3G pitch is in very early stages so nothing to report at this stage. 18/630 – Emergency Planning – Box still to be checked for keys and report back. ACTION JL 18/630 – Footpaths – blocked drain opposite medical centre not yet reported. ACTION CLERK
It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a true record. |
18/637 |
County Council & District Council Report |
A summary of Business Support Grants was provided, encouraging Councillors to circulate the information to the local business community. It was confirmed a response is outstanding regarding queries raised regarding the flood alleviation scheme and confirmed, subject to consultation, double yellow lines are to be put either side of the entrance to the Co-op. The consultation is still open but it was confirmed the cycle scheme appears to have received a positive reaction. Road surfaces in the village remain a discussion point with inspections going ahead and further investigations are to take place to establish if minor footway work can be done by local maintenance gangs. ACTION AM |
18/638 |
District Council Report |
The Chairman expressed thanks to PW for support regarding the planning application S20/0669. A summary of recent Council meeting was provided where the budget has been set. PW advised that funding is an issue for SKDC regarding the replacement and provision of street lights. It was agreed to investigate the possibility of upgrading the bulbs. ACTION PW It was agreed a response to the letter regarding the SKDC planning processes is to be chased. ACTION CLERK |
18/639 |
Planning |
Applications – S21/0127 REL 2 Limited and Hawtorn Leisure Limited. Appliation for the erection of 15 dwellings (including 4 affordable units) at on Land East of The Royal Oak, 74 Main Road, Long Bennington. RESOLVED to object referring to no drainage solutions, no reference to flooding in the area, contrary to Long Bennington Neighbourhood Plan, overdevelopment, extension of the village envelope, reference to no consideration given to previous applications and SKDC negotiations. ACTION RW/MMW S20/0775 Ablewhite Application for outline planning permission for the erection of 50 dwellings (access to be considered only) at land West of Main Road, Long Bennington. RESOLVED to comment, referring to previous letter and noting residents representations to the Parish Council in respect of retaining the hedgerow at its current height, having bungalows along the full boundary with The Pastures and suitable drainage solutions with reference to the CCTV report. ACTION CLERK Section 106 provisions were discussed with AM agreeing to make contact with Lincs CC to establish how the calculations are made regarding eligibility. ACTION AM. Further contact with the school and medical centre is to be made. ACTION CLERK S21/0215 Platts. Application for single storey rear extension and new window to main elevation at Orchard Barn, 52A Main Road, Long Bennington. RESOLVED No Objection S21/0267 Teft. Application for first floor extension to existing garage for living space at 12 Kirtons Lane, Long Bennington. RESOLVED no objection S21/0196 Hall Application for reconstruction and extension of existing barn to form dwelling (revised proposal following S18/1183) at Alma Farm, 18 Main Road, Long Bennington. RESOLVED no objection S21/0197 Hall Application for Listed Building Consent for reconstruction and extension of existing barn to form dwelling (revised proposal following S18/1183) at Alma Farm, 18 Main Road, Long Bennington. RESOLVED no objection S21/0187 Hall Submission of details reserved by Condition 3 (surface water drainage scheme), 4 (contamination), 5 (engineering details), 6 (tree protection plan), 7 (levels), 10, (hard landscaping), 11 (soft landscaping), 12 (boundary treatments), 13 (materials), 14 (foundation construction), 19 (acoustic barrier), 21 (sound insulation details) of S17/1676 (Erection of 6 no. dwellings) at Alma Farm , Main Road, Long Bennington. RESOLVED to comment on drainage plans with no obvious attenuation detailed. ACTION CLERK Late agenda item - S21/0183 Barker. Change of use of land to personal equestrian (leisure) use. Construction of stables and manege at Fen Lane, Long Bennington. RESOLVED no objection. Planning Approvals –see agenda. Planning Refusals – S20/0511. It was agreed to contact SKDC, referring to the poor standard of work left by the developer, asking what asking is now being taken. ACTION CLERK/MMW Planning Appeals/Withdrawals – none Other planning issues –S20/0669 Smith – no further comments
18/640 |
Grass Cutting Contract – to discuss quotes received and approve contractor. |
Four quotes were discussed. RESOLVED to award the contract to Parks and Pitches. Confirmation to be issued. ACTION CLERK |
18/641 |
Community Benefit Fund from Solar Farm – to approve execution of undertaking. |
Councillors were advised SP has checked to wording of the agreement, it being standard wording and confirms the payment is made following grid connectivity. RESOLVED MMW to execute the document on behalf of the Parish Council |
18/642 |
Footpaths – to discuss recent report and response from LCC re footpath Church St near bus shelter. |
See 18/637 |
18/643 |
Fen Lane/GB Holdings – to discuss current position/actions re enforcement |
Councillors agreed that at this stage there is no action that the Parish Council can take to expedite the investigations by the EA and legal proceedings. It was agreed that close liaison with residents continues, confirming Council support. It was further confirmed potholes on Fen Lane have been reported on behalf of the Parish Council. |
18/644 |
Notification of Planning Policy Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement 2021 – to discuss response. |
A number of issues were raised regarding GDPR, renotification, more communication with Parish Councils needed, extension of the consultation period to allow Parish Council discussion and it was agreed the Clerk will submit comments. ACTION CLERK |
18/645 |
Village Hall – to discuss future financial position. |
RESOLVED to defer discussion until the April meeting. |
18/646 |
Dog Fouling – to discuss action to prevent further increase in dog fouling around village. |
It was agreed to contact SKDC for more signage to be erected and a note is to be put in the Parish News. ACTION CLERK It was further suggested and agreed to liaise with the Headteacher to invite children to get involved with designing posters. ACTION IL |
18/647 |
Chairman and Clerk’s Report |
Chairman’s Report Councillors were referred to a parcel of land opposite the playing field that is for sale. Investigations are still taking place. It was confirmed costing for installation of car parking spaces between the Pavilion and MUGA are being obtained and will be referred to the Parish Council. Thinking about the AGM, MMW offered to carry on as chair for another 12 months if councillors wished but giving notice after 3 years service as chair. Clerks Report Councillors were referred to the attached report. It was confirmed the new bin for Witham Meadow has been received and will be installed this month. ACTION CLERK
18/648 |
Finance |
Councillors were referred to the attached schedule of invoices for payment totalling £983.77 RESOLVED – to pay the invoices.
Community Cleaner hours worked and payment – approved. LALC Annual Training Scheme – RESOLVED not to join.
18/649 |
Reports |
Playing Fields Management Committee – it was confirmed dates for fundraising events have been agreed, advice for reopening the pavilion is being taken from SKDC, minor works have been completed and a survey of the facility has been done to establish maintenance requirements. Village Hall Management Committee - it was confirmed the AGM is to take place next month and Councillors were advised another representative from the Parish Council is ideally needed. Any Councillor interested is asked to contact the Clerk. School Liaison – no report Emergency Planning Group Report – no report Road Safety – it was confirmed Moor Lane remains an issue with potholes. Police Report – MB provided a summary of crimes, including involvement of a Black X5 (EO54OUG) stressing any sightings are to be reported to the Police. The Police have continued with speed checks in the village. Footpaths & Streetlights – no report Communications Committee – no report Witham Meadow Project Report – the new bin is to be installed. Research is underway for new tree planting and planting wildflower seeds. It was agreed to publicise the space in the Parish News. ACTION CLERK It was agreed to obtain quotes for a replacement picnic bench as one is in a very poor state. ACTION CLERK |
18/650 |
Correspondence |
Councillors referred to attached list of correspondence received during the last month. No comments. |
18/651 |
Items for next agenda and Parish News Report. |
Village Hall – to discuss future financial stability |
18/652 |
Date of next meeting – 12th April 2021 |
Meeting Closed 10.18 pm. |