Minutes April 2021


Accepted Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held Monday 12th April 2021



Public Forum


One member of the public was in attendance. No questions raised.


Remote Zoom Meeting commenced at 7.31 pm


Present via video and audio


Martin Wright (MMW), Geoff Fearn (GF), Paul Wood (PW), Carole Lee (CL), Iain Lyon (IL), John Leventhall (JL), Ross Warman (RW), Daryl Walton (DW), Stephen Pearson (SP), Mick Brooks (MB), Mick Walker (MW) and Jane Evans (Clerk)


Apologies for Absence


Cllr Maughan (AM) due to personal circumstances – apologies accepted


Declarations of Interest


GF declared a pecuniary interest in Agenda item 6 - S21/0655 Minster Development Group


Minutes & Matters Arising from Previous Meeting 1st March 2021


Matters Arising

18/636 (18/623). Cllrs were advised an estimated cost of £3500 has been given for new speed signs. It was agreed to speak to AM to discuss approaching LCC to incorporate this into road safety improvements using S106 monies from the housing development opposite the pavilion. CLERK/AM

18/636 (18/626) – an email has been sent to SKDC re conservation and a response is to be chased CLERK

18/637 – further information regarding works to footways is to be requested from AM. CLERK/AM

18/638 – a response from SKDC is to be chased re questions concerning planning processes. CLERK

18/649. Witham Meadow. It was confirmed quotes for benches had been obtained and a grant application submitted. Feedback received implies the application was unsuccessful so will refer back to PC at next meeting to discuss purchase from own funds. CLERK

It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a true record.


County Council


A written report was circulated to Cllrs ahead of the meeting. It was agreed to formally approach AM regarding the extent of proposed work on Valley Lane. Councillors request that the edge of the highway is included in any works, to address the erosion at the edge of the highway, particularly from Gas Direct to Gablestock.


District Council Report


PW referred to queries regarding streetlighting and it was confirmed the lights on Main Road are the responsibility of SKDC. There is a programme of upgrade to LEDs planned with tenders being invited. It was agreed to write to SKDC asking that Long Bennington is treated as a priority once the project commences.

A summary of staffing changes was provided and it was confirmed the planning officers are looking to recommend refusal of the application for development at the rear of the Royal Oak. It is expected this will be discussed by Committee in May.

Councillors discussed that dialogue with the planning department should be improved and it was agreed to invite a senior planning officer to the PC June meeting, an agenda being agreed prior to the meeting. PW




Applications – S21/0436 Ward. Application for a garage roof conversion with

dormer window at 4 Orchard Park, Long Bennington. RESOLVED No objections.

S21/0546 Widdowson. Application for the erection of a detached garage at Orchard Cottage, 15a Wheatsheaf Lane, Long Bennington. RESOLVED No objections.

S21/0539 Hall. Application for listed building consent for repairs to the north gable and rear elevation comprising removal and reconstruction of defective lias stonework at Alma Farm, Main Road, Long Bennington. RESOLVED No objections.

S21/0459 Rose Application for Use of Land for B8 Outside Storage at Roseland Business Park , Roseland Way, Long Bennington. RESOLVED to object to the increase in vehicles to and from the site, requiring restrictions to be included in conditions of sanction if approved. CLERK

S21/0458 Rose Application for Use of Land for B8 Outside Storage at Roseland Business Park , Roseland Way, Long Bennington. RESOLVED to object to the increase in vehicles to and from the site, requiring restrictions to be included in conditions of sanction if approved. CLERK

S21/0517 Smart Fleet Solutions Application for the change of Use and alterations to mechanical workshop including on site MOT station and image studio with ancillary office accommodation at Hangar 1A, Roseland Business Park, Long Bennington RESOLVED No objections.

S21/0580  CP Media Application for advertising consent at Great North Road/Marshall Way/Church Lane Roundabout Long Bennington. RESOLVED to object on road safety grounds suggesting an alternative location would be preferable. Clarification is also to be sought regarding ongoing maintenance of the island (having been done locally due to LCC not cutting the grass on the island), suggesting that some landscaping is included as part of the scheme. CLERK

S21/0655 Minster Property Group. Application for the development of 43 affordable dwellings and associated infrastructure at land west Of Main Road Long Bennington. RESOLVED to postpone to the next meeting due to delays in all the information being uploaded to the SKDC website. An extension in the deadline has been arranged.


S21/0506 Potts. Despite no formal consultation with the PC being required as it is an application for Prior Approval, Councillors discussed the details. It was agreed no comment is to be made.


Planning Approvals –see agenda.

Planning Refusals – S21/0056 Woodward Refusal of application for the erection of a

dwelling at 48 Church Street, Long Bennington – no comment

S20/0669 Smith. Refusal of planning permission for one mobile home and one touring caravan for a traveller that works in forestry – no comment

Planning Appeals/Withdrawals – Withdrawn by Applicant.S21/0026 and S21/0027 Lepley. Rear

extension at Elmtree House, Long Bennington – no comment

S21/0197 and S21/0196 Hall – reconstruction and extension of existing barn at Alma Farm, Main Road, Long Bennington  - withdrawn by applicant – no comment

Other planning issues – PROPOSED WAITING RESTRICTIONS – to discuss consultation

re TRO at Main Road/Lime Close (entrance to Co-op) – no comment


Village Hall – to discuss future financial position.


Councillors were advised some further financial information has been received but there are some questions that require clarification on behalf of the VHMC. A meeting is to be arranged with MMW, the Parish Clerk and representatives of the VHMC to discuss the information and financial position further. Feedback is then to be provided as an agenda item at the May meeting. CLERK

GF advised that another member of the Parish Council is needed to join the VHMC and this is to be discussed at the May meeting.


Annual Parish Meeting and Face to Face Meetings– to discuss arrangements.


It was agreed to postpone the Annual Parish Meeting until later in the year.

It was RESOLVED to change the next meeting to Tuesday 4th May to allow a remote meeting before legislation changes. Councillors were reminded this will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting.


Section 106 provisions – to discuss strategic approach to ensure local infrastructure is financially supported.


Councillors agreed that the intake numbers for this year for Long Bennington Academy are important to any argument the PC has with LCC regarding calculations for allocation of Section 106 monies. Once numbers are confirmed by the Headteacher, AM is to be contacted again to highlight the actual situation locally. IL/CLERK


CCTV installation – to provide update on project and grant provision.


It was confirmed a site meeting has taken place to confirm details, the project being underway with completion within a couple of weeks.


Dog Fouling and Local Footpaths – to discuss action to prevent further increase in dog fouling around village.


It was confirmed a few new signs have been erected following a visit from enforcement officers from SKDC. It was further confirmed random visits will be arranged in the future. Councillors accepted that dog fouling is about education and signage isn’t necessarily a resolution.

It was resolved to set up a working party to look at footpaths around the village with the aim of making improvements for residents. SP to arrange and feedback at the next meeting.  It was agreed to attempt to publicise local footpaths more widely. CLERK

GF left the meeting.


Chairman and Clerk’s Report


Chairman’s Report

No report

Clerks Report

Councillors were referred to the attached report. No questions were raised.




Councillors were referred to the attached schedule of invoices for payment totalling £1406.69

RESOLVED – to pay the invoices.

Community Cleaner hours worked and payment – approved.


LALC charity collection re website support – RESOLVED to provide a donation of £20.00. CLERK


SKDC Community Fund Grant – RESOLVED to accept the terms and conditions, the Clerk to sign the agreement on behalf of the Parish Council. CLERK




Playing Fields Management Committee – it was confirmed an asbestos survey has now been completed with no asbestos found. A fire report is still outstanding. It was confirmed the PFMC has prepared a draft budget for the 2021/22 year.

Village Hall Management Committee – no report

School Liaison – no report. It was agreed to discuss prizes for the poster campaign regarding littering/dog fouling, as an agenda item at the May meeting. CLERK

Emergency Planning Group Report – JL confirmed the emergency response team LBert has been disbanded.

Road Safety – it was confirmed speed checks are being done with a relatively high number of vehicles found to be speeding.

Police Report – no report

Footpaths & Streetlights – no report

Communications Committee – no report

Witham Meadow Project Report – no report




Councillors referred to attached list of correspondence received during the last month.

Item 14 – it was agreed to respond to residents, referring to the SKDC visit, it being behaviour of individuals, the new litter bin at Witham Meadow and liaison with Long Bennington Academy involving children in the campaign to prevent littering and dog fouling locally.


Items for next agenda and Parish News Report.


Parish news – promote Witham Meadow, provide link to Definitive Map and refer to winding down of LBert


Date of next meeting – 4th May 2021


Meeting Closed 22.04





Signed………………………….          Designation…………………………          
