Minutes May 2021


APPROVED Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held Monday 4th May 2021



Public Forum


Two members of the public were in attendance. No questions raised.


Remote Zoom Meeting commenced at 7.31 pm


Present via video and audio


Martin Wright (MMW), Paul Wood (PW), Carole Lee (CL), Iain Lyon (IL), John Leventhall (JL), Ross Warman (RW), Daryl Walton (DW), Stephen Pearson (SP), Mick Brooks (MB), Mick Walker (MW) and Jane Evans (Clerk)


Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman


MMW was proposed and seconded as Chairman for a further year. Position accepted.

GF was proposed and seconded as Vice-Chairman for a further year. Position accepted.


Apologies for Absence


Cllr Maughan (AM) due to work commitments and Geoff Fearn (GF) due to personal reasons – apologies accepted. SP had advised he would be late joining the meeting.


Declarations of Interest




Minutes & Matters Arising from Previous Meeting 12th April 2021


Matters Arising

18/655 (18/636) – this matter is still in hand with AM to discuss with LCC. CLERK/AM

18/655 (18/637) – further information regarding improvements to footways is to be requested from AM. CLERK

18/665 – the £20 donation has yet to be provided. CLERK


It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a true record.


County Council


A written report was circulated to Cllrs ahead of the meeting. It was agreed to ask for an update regarding the proposed improvements to the junction at the southern end of the village. CLERK/AM


District Council Report


PW advised the interviews for a new Head of Planning Department will take place shortly once the shortlisting has been done. It was confirmed the application for development at the rear of the Royal Oak will be discussed at the Development Control Committee meeting on 12th May with a recommendation of refusal from the Planning Department.

It was confirmed a meeting took place with a resident and Phil Jordan from SKDC re S21/0655. PW confirmed he would be objecting to four main points, accepting that the principle of development has been established.




Applications – S21/0655 Minster Property Group. Application for the development of 43 affordable dwellings and associated infrastructure at land west of Main Road, Long Bennington.

SP joined the meeting.

RESOLVED to accept the principle of development is established but not with this development, with concerns over appropriate mix of properties, too many houses, sewerage and drainage issues and no community consultation so not in accordance with SP2 (local need not established). CLERK/RW

S21/0729 McInerney Application for the erection of a two bedroom bungalow at land to the rear of 25 Welbournes Lane Long Bennington. RESOLVED to comment that any application would need to address issues with foul water, follow the building line and address off street parking issues. CLERK/RW

Planning Approvals –see agenda.

Planning Refusals – None

Planning Appeals/Withdrawals – None

Other planning issues – Councillors referred to the invitation to speak at the Committee meeting re S21/0127. PW confirmed he would be attending, and it was agreed that given the refusal recommendation, PWs attendance would be sufficient.


Village Hall – to discuss future financial position.


It was confirmed MMW and the Clerk had a meeting with three members of the VHMC to discuss the request for financial support. It was confirmed the financial information provided shows the facility running at a breakeven point and discussions took place regarding starting a small sinking fund (to be held by the PC) to help support future Village Hall capital expenditure projects. It was agreed to discuss this further in December at the time of agreeing the precept request.


Witham Meadow – to discuss replacement of picnic benches and quotes obtained.


It was to proceed with the installation of two new picnic benches with sufficient monies available in the budget. Further investigations into the types of benches are to be made and presented to Councillors for consideration at the June meeting. CLERK


Section 106 provisions – to discuss strategic approach to ensure local infrastructure is financially supported.


Councillors were advised that not all of the school place have been confirmed for next years intake and as such it was agreed to wait until up to date information is available before taking this forward. It was agreed that work needs to be done to look at capacities within the local infrastructure and the projected expansion. It was agreed RW, IL, DW and the Clerk will establish a working party to look at this. CLERK


Parish Council Insurance Renewal – to approve and confirm.


It was confirmed the new CCTV equipment has been added to the schedule. RESOLVED to renew the updated insurance and pay the premium £2829.26 CLERK


Internal audit – to discuss and approve.


RESOLVED to postpone discussion until the June meeting.


External Audit AGAR – To approve Section 1 and Section 2


RESOLVED to postpone discussion until the June meeting.


Chairman and Clerk’s Report


Chairman’s Report

Councillors were referred to the return of face to face meetings in June and some Coucnillors expressed concerns about use of the small hall. It was agreed to establish if the Main Hall can be used for the PC meeting in June. CLERK

Councillors were advised that discussions are still taking place to look at quotes for providing car parking facilities at the Playing Field. It was agree MMW and Phil Owen are to discuss how to proceed to find a solution to the parking problem.

Clerks Report

Councillors were referred to the attached report. No questions were raised.




Councillors were referred to the attached schedule of invoices for payment totalling £3883.76

RESOLVED – to pay the invoices.

Community Cleaner hours worked and payment – approved.

To consider prizes for school poster campaign re dog fouling/littering – RESOLVED to provide £70 towards the purchase of book tokens, being £10 for each year group. IL to confirm to Headteacher. IL

To consider request from St Swithun’s Church for £1000 towards maintenance of the Churchyard – it was confirmed £1000 has been allocated within the annual budget. RESOLVED to approve request. CLERK





Playing Fields Management Committee – Councillors were given an update on maintenance works in hand, it was confirmed the discussions for the contract for MUGA repairs remain in progress, the annual play equipment inspection has taken place with recommendations in hand and hopefully the playing field will host the Summer Solstice race later in the year.

Village Hall Management Committee – no report. DW confirmed he has volunteered to join GF as representatives of the Parish Council on the VHMC

School Liaison – No report

Emergency Planning Group Report – No report

Road Safety – it was confirmed recent checks continue to record vehicles exceeding the speed limit and a few excessive speeds have been recorded with one motorist to be visited by the Police. Sadly, a resident posted a message on Facebook alerting some motorists to the speed check.

Police Report – no report but it was confirmed there has been a number of incidents of anti-social behaviour.

Footpaths & Streetlights – Councillors were referred to the summary of discussions of the recent meeting. It was agreed that Andy Savage at LCC is to be contacted to discuss issues identified, particularly in respect of disused routes/routes going nowhere/dissected by the A1. SP

Communications Committee – no report

Witham Meadow Project Report – no report




Councillors referred to attached list of correspondence received during the last month.

No issues raised or further comments made.


Items for next agenda and Parish News Report.


Parish news – speed checks

Next agenda – AGAR and Internal Audit


Date of next meeting – 7th June 2021


Meeting Closed 22.01




Signed………………………….          Designation…………………………          
